Hello, my name is Cynthia Delgado and during the past week my partner Jon Taylor and I have been thinking about what we should do for our 20 percent project. It was really hard for us because we had no idea on what to do ,but then we made a decision and we decided that we will be rating movies. We believe that this will help people on deciding what movies they should watch. My partner and I will be expressing our feelings and thoughts about the movies we watch. On October 21, 2013 Jon and I went to Downtown Disney and we decided to watch Insidious 2, a horror movie. The movie had some scary scenes we were both scared on some parts. We realized that you have to watch Insidious 1 before you watch Insidious 2 because there are some parts in the movie that refer back to the first one. Overall the movie was really good but make sure to take a partner with you because you will be scared by some parts !
Good first post. Do you guys have a website for your posts? You might want to include that on your post so that you can refer people to your reviews.